Thursday, 12 November 2009

Topic: Suspects over the ages

We have a topic! Suspects over the Ages! Now, what are we going to do. Gather information for next week?


  1. Ow sorry, I thought for a minute that everybody had voted! there is one missing..

  2. I had to send Mark our first and second choice for the subjects. He wrote us down for suspects over the ages, so we do have a subject! Now a plan..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Has anybody got any ideas on how we are going to start this?
    I got a book out the library called Celebrity Suspects which could be good to do this on...

  5. I bought a book called: Jack the Ripper; Key news, Complete Chronology, Comprehensive A-Z, Essential Documents and a full Bibliography. So, we have some information.

  6. I was thinking i would do suspects from the world of fiction, so one from a film,one from a book and one from a graphic novel or something?
