Wednesday 25 November 2009

Transcripts and Bits

I've finished the rest of the Ripper Walk transcript about the popular suspects. So here it is.
The excerpts have been added from Casebook.

Casebook's extremley handy for general info and source info concerning Ripper suspects. Sooo if you haven't been on there then deffinatly check it out at

I've decided to breifly mention the popular suspects with reference to the police profiles in the presentation intro. But i don't think i'll have enough time to go into them in futher detail, so if anybody else is thinking of disscussing any of the suspect i've mentioned, just let me know so we can split it evenly to make sure we don't say the same thing twice and conflicting info.

Also, does anyone know what the time slot is for the presentation? I've looked on Wolf but i can't seem to find our group anywhere!!

Here's the rest of the transcript anyway, enjoy! X

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