Well done everyone on the presentation!
We did well enough, I only hope everyone notices of all the effort we put in.
Overall, I think we definitely showed the class a good insight into our work on the ripper case; however I do think it is a big problem that we ran over time. It's a shame that we ran over so much because I really didn't want issues of time to distract away from the actual importance of the workload. I think that upon reviewing this issue we can only gain a better understanding into future presentations and try to apply this hindsight into strengthening the structures of upcoming seminars.
Another way to avoid the time issue is by having more rehearsals. We may have timed ourselves beforehand but I know a lot us had added in bits and pieces. Perhaps next time, we can consult the others to notify and confirm when we edit, change and enhance things so that the rest of us may edit and change as well in order to fit the work into the required timeslot.
Also after looking back on the presentation, I noticed that there was perhaps a lot of info we could have cut down or taken out completely as it may have distracted from the importance of the other significant information we were trying to convey.
Sometimes when we edit things that we ourselves have written it can become a little difficult to pick up on the bits that need changing, so maybe we should try to help each other out by giving the group constructive criticism as we go along so that each of us may learn from past mistakes and change their work for the better. This tip can be useful to use with not only the content of our presentation but also with the way we present. I used this method of group analytical constructive criticism when rehearsing to present for another module and it really helped to skim over mistakes and fine tune the info so that we were under the 20 minute maximum. It helped a lot and I’m sorry for not suggesting we do the same sooner as I’m sure it would have helped us out too.
Also due to running over, there was no time to show the Ripper game clip or have the audience reacting to the ripper images which is a real shame because it would have tied the presentation together nicely, but apart from the issue of time and need for more editing, i think we did very well indeed. So thanks a lot.
Sam X