Wednesday 9 December 2009

Thoughts on Otti's post

Good piece Otti,
I've just been going over some thoughts on the Ripper and came up with the following; no quotes, just my opinion based on a lot of stuff on Jack we've heard in class and read in books etc.:
I'd like to think that Jack is just used as a brand nowadays. He is an established name in history, since companies are trying to exploit basically everything, jack couldn't escape from that.
Additonally I think that people always need something in their livces to be afraid of; swine flu, the government, foreigners, bums, criminals, terorrism anything. So 'back in the day' the fear could have been embodied in Jack the Ripper.
Jack could be any person, and that is his great advantage. His crimes could be blamed and appointed to any group or person the larger part of society dislikes.
This could possibly be an explaination for the suspicion of the royal or governmental system. Lower class whitechapel was apparently not very fond of the big class difference and the deprivated area of the city.
Regardless of which theory one prefers, it always comes down on the fact that people need somebody to point the finger at, and blame for their state of being.
One seldom points the finger at oneself and regularly finds a different factor to blame.

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