James Maybrick hit the headlines after his death, when a Michael Barrett claimed to have James Maybrick's diary, in which he confesses to be Jack The Ripper. The diary describes in graphic detail, the deadly forays into London and clearly identifies the killer as James Maybrick. If Jame Maybrick were Jack The Ripper, his death in 1889 would explain why the murders ended when they did. James Maybrick was never a suspect during his life, but his alleged diary focused an enormous amount of scrutiny on him after its discovery in 1992, many experts analyzed the diary checking for errors of fact or language not used in the 1880's and various experts attempted to determine the age of the ink, claiming it was modern. Significantly, a graphologist found that the handwriting was not that of James Maybrick and in 1994 Michael Barrett admitted in an interview that he had forged the diary, but the James Maybrick diary is still a subject of controversy, despite the evidence that it was a forgery.
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