Wednesday 9 December 2009

Reaction on the elephant man.

Still I do not understand where the need came from to accuse people that were different. I quote you PB: "Apparently people like to think of the Ripper as somebody or a group they don’t approve of, like immigrants and jews" , or the elephant men. Or as I said in my previous post people just were not used to 'strangers' in their city and were afraid of them. So is it approving over being afraid?

I found a letter from someone that has a different view towards the jews: "The crimes identified with "Jack the Ripper" were of a nature that it would be difficult for any Jew - "low-class" or any class - to imagine the work of a Jew. Their callous brutality was foreign to Jewish nature, which, when it turns criminal, goes into quite a different channel".
This letter considers Jews not to be smart enough to be the suspect in such crimes, completely the opposite of what others said. "It couldn't be a british person as they don't commit such horribe crimes."

If we look again at the question: why does society wants to have a Jack the Ripper? Could it not be, just to have certainty about something. That having a killer is easier than having no killers and leave the murders unsolved. But then we still have the question; Why did we made an icon of him? Why do we have to sell, games, videos, music, toy's of him?

Anyone something to say about this?

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