Monday 14 December 2009


I have to agree with Sam. Rehearsing more would have solved the time management, as well as cutting down some information which wasn't relevant.
I lost my nerves though which caused me to stutter like a maniac, again losing time.
I have to admit however that we did a quite good presentation, we weren't the best but looking at groups who just read it from a paper, I think we still did great nonetheless.
We may also consider a different format next time - the trial was a grand idea, too bad we failed to apply it to our piece. Looking at the group who were before us, with the 'tonight show', I think they had a appealing angle to their presentation only because of their way of presenting. We used a more classic performance opposed to their creative solution. They might have just scored points for their format regardless of the information they were presenting.
Sam said it all I reckon, we should learn from our mistakes and use the feedback we might get for our future benefits.


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