Over the years a wide scope of suspect has come to light, from plausible to nonsense. One of which was posed in a 1987 movie called Amazon women on the moon. In a short ‘episode’ of a made up show ‘bullshit or not’ the Loch Ness Monster is accused of being the ripper in a re-enactment of one of the murders.
Although the probability of Nessie being the ripper is quite small, he still pops up in this movie. Does this satirise our ability to turn any person in the ripper? Ripperologists have posed probably hundreds of possible suspects, some have more credibility than others.
But from a realistic point of view could Nessie obviously never have covered the distance between Loch Ness and East End.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2yVZCVLK3E see for yourself
Whilst I was looking for information on Jill/Jane the Ripper, I found something on an Indian (Native American) princess killing her victims with mind power. More Native Americans are mentioned in “natural born celebrity killers”
Additionally if found that the image of women as the ripper is also seen in 1971 film adaptation of Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde, probably as cynical reaction on the rumours of a female Ripper. It puts a nice twist to the story, when Sister Hyde turns into a killer
We can ask our selves the question: Why did they use a non-English killer?
In natural born celebrity killers the writer gives some reasons, the one who is doing something on this could look into it.
First of all a certain amount of xenophobia is reigning in 19th century East End. A lot of immigrants infiltrate the streets of London. A lot of working class people from eastern Europe. Americans are also among the popular ones; due to their ‘natural’ violent attitude, and their hunger for sensation.
http://books.google.com/books?id=KdTE_SfwzEoC&pg=PA47&dq=curtis+ripper&lr=&hl=nl#v=onepage&q=curtis%20ripper&f=false natural born celebrity killers online, p. 48 and onwards.
On a forum on casebook.org I also found a reaction of somebody who claimed that Sooty the gloved hand puppet is blamed for the murders. Apparently in Sugden’s book ‘The complete history of Jack the Ripper’ he puts him forward as the ripper, although I’m not able to find a copy of the book.