Thursday, 17 December 2009
After Presentation
All in all I think the presentation went really well, we all managed to gather relevant information for our presentation topic and it all gelled well together on the day of the presentation considering we didn't have a rehearsal, which others in the group have commented on because we were all doing different things on different days, but we managed to have two two hour meetings which was good for us to understand what everyone in the group was going to talk about and what order we were going to talk in. I really enjoyed the Jack The Ripper module because it was interesting how much Jack The Ripper is still talked about and how I have learnt that the ripper is still an ongoing theme in musicals, comics, books and movies. I liked working with the people in my presentation group, everyone was easy to get on with and none of them were a let down like some people can be when doing group work. We all committed ourselves to making a good presentation and I think we pulled it off!
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Celebrity/Popular Supsects- James Maybrick
James Maybrick hit the headlines after his death, when a Michael Barrett claimed to have James Maybrick's diary, in which he confesses to be Jack The Ripper. The diary describes in graphic detail, the deadly forays into London and clearly identifies the killer as James Maybrick. If Jame Maybrick were Jack The Ripper, his death in 1889 would explain why the murders ended when they did. James Maybrick was never a suspect during his life, but his alleged diary focused an enormous amount of scrutiny on him after its discovery in 1992, many experts analyzed the diary checking for errors of fact or language not used in the 1880's and various experts attempted to determine the age of the ink, claiming it was modern. Significantly, a graphologist found that the handwriting was not that of James Maybrick and in 1994 Michael Barrett admitted in an interview that he had forged the diary, but the James Maybrick diary is still a subject of controversy, despite the evidence that it was a forgery.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Celebrity/Popular Supsects- Sir William Gull
Sir William Gull was an English physician and doctor to the Royal Family, he was suspected as a Jack The Ripper suspect after the alleged marriage of Prince Albert Victor and Annie Crooks, after wiping Annie's memory and having her institutionalised for the rest of her life, Sir William Gull was asked to silence Mary Kelly and her friends, using his surgical skills to mutilate the bodies. A renowned spiritualist Robert James Lee allegedly had a vision which led to Sir William Gulls arrest and he was incarcerated in an asylum, his death announced and a mock funeral arranged to prevent the details of the royal conspiracy being revealed in a court case, but at the time of the East End murders Sir William Gull was 71 years old and had recently suffered two strokes that made him incapable of practicing medicine.
Looking back
First I want to bring forward the fact that the question: "why did people wanted a jack the ripper?" was the main purpose of our presentation. That we didn't only speak about certain suspects but wanted to emphasize the wide scope of suspects and the question why they were suspects. Foreigners were popular suspects because the Londoners didn;t know their culture, language and religion. What people don't know is often considered to be weird and frightening. The most ridiculous suspects were popular because some of them were different, weird or not normal according to what was accepted as normal in 1880. The famous suspects were famous and so the Londoners could not identify with them, the were different but in a different area.
Second,we all tried to not read our part from paper. That is always harrowing, but still it makes a presentation far more clear then just reading it from a paper. And accept for not rehearsing we had two meetings for 2 hours and our meetings during the classes. So our preparation was good. We all new from eachother what we were going to do and say. So I think well done for all of us. I really enjoyed working with you guys!
Have a great christmas!!
Perhaps we should have gone with just two suspects each and say a minute and a half for both the into and the conclusion. This would have allowed us more time for things such as audience participation and the video of the ripper game.
All in all though, I think we got all of our research across fairly well?
Well done guys!
Monday, 14 December 2009
I lost my nerves though which caused me to stutter like a maniac, again losing time.
I have to admit however that we did a quite good presentation, we weren't the best but looking at groups who just read it from a paper, I think we still did great nonetheless.
We may also consider a different format next time - the trial was a grand idea, too bad we failed to apply it to our piece. Looking at the group who were before us, with the 'tonight show', I think they had a appealing angle to their presentation only because of their way of presenting. We used a more classic performance opposed to their creative solution. They might have just scored points for their format regardless of the information they were presenting.
Sam said it all I reckon, we should learn from our mistakes and use the feedback we might get for our future benefits.
Post-Presentation Post!
Well done everyone on the presentation!
We did well enough, I only hope everyone notices of all the effort we put in.
Overall, I think we definitely showed the class a good insight into our work on the ripper case; however I do think it is a big problem that we ran over time. It's a shame that we ran over so much because I really didn't want issues of time to distract away from the actual importance of the workload. I think that upon reviewing this issue we can only gain a better understanding into future presentations and try to apply this hindsight into strengthening the structures of upcoming seminars.
Another way to avoid the time issue is by having more rehearsals. We may have timed ourselves beforehand but I know a lot us had added in bits and pieces. Perhaps next time, we can consult the others to notify and confirm when we edit, change and enhance things so that the rest of us may edit and change as well in order to fit the work into the required timeslot.
Also after looking back on the presentation, I noticed that there was perhaps a lot of info we could have cut down or taken out completely as it may have distracted from the importance of the other significant information we were trying to convey.
Sometimes when we edit things that we ourselves have written it can become a little difficult to pick up on the bits that need changing, so maybe we should try to help each other out by giving the group constructive criticism as we go along so that each of us may learn from past mistakes and change their work for the better. This tip can be useful to use with not only the content of our presentation but also with the way we present. I used this method of group analytical constructive criticism when rehearsing to present for another module and it really helped to skim over mistakes and fine tune the info so that we were under the 20 minute maximum. It helped a lot and I’m sorry for not suggesting we do the same sooner as I’m sure it would have helped us out too.
Also due to running over, there was no time to show the Ripper game clip or have the audience reacting to the ripper images which is a real shame because it would have tied the presentation together nicely, but apart from the issue of time and need for more editing, i think we did very well indeed. So thanks a lot.
Sam X
Katy's Celebrity/Popular Suspects- Prince Albert Victor
Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward or 'Eddy' was the grandson of Queen Victoria and one of the most famous Jack The Ripper suspects. The Prince had supposedly met a girl named Annie Crook who was a Catholic girl and of low social standing, he apparently secretly married her and had a child with her but when the royal family found this out the prince was ushered abroad and his wife was forced into and asylum and had an operation, which was performed by Sir William Gull, to wipe her memory. The child was left with Annie Cook's friend Mary Kelly. Mary Kelly's friends, Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman and Elizabeth Stride, all knew about the relationship between Annie Crook and the Prince as well as about the child, as they couldn't keep this quiet Sir William Gull was again asked for help. A Dr. Thomas Stowell published an article in 1970 accusing the Prince of being Jack The Ripper, basing his theory upon some papers of Sir William Gull. Thomas Stowell claimed Sir William Gull was treating the Prince for syphilis, the disease supposedly caused the Prince to go insane and commit the Whitechaple murders, however, none of this could be proven as Thomas Stowell burned his papers and then died shortly after publishing his theories and Sir William Gull's papers have not been found. A key factor is that the royal records show that the Prince was not anywhere close to London for the most important murder dates.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Jack the Peg-Leg!
Thoughts on Pieter's post
I think you’re completely right in thinking that the fabrication of Jack the Ripper was purely just to have someone to blame. I think the police thought up whatever they could to simply enable people to sleep at night. Not only that, but they also did it in a way to disassociate the British public with the crimes in any way they knew how... hence the foreigners.
I personally believe that it was perhaps the falsity and twisting of actual witness accounts (in favour of the police) that probably cost them catching the actual ripper. I reckon that over time, as fear and lack of police awareness began to surface, the growing public anxiety caused the police to leap into every and any fact they could find to keep people from losing their heads and creating national panic.
This could perhaps also explain why there are so many clashing facts about the same suspects.Maybe if we have time you could lightly brush on this subject in the presentation, just in case we end up way under time, I doubt we will, but it’s a good point to make just in case.
Thoughts on Otti's post
I've just been going over some thoughts on the Ripper and came up with the following; no quotes, just my opinion based on a lot of stuff on Jack we've heard in class and read in books etc.:
I'd like to think that Jack is just used as a brand nowadays. He is an established name in history, since companies are trying to exploit basically everything, jack couldn't escape from that.
Additonally I think that people always need something in their livces to be afraid of; swine flu, the government, foreigners, bums, criminals, terorrism anything. So 'back in the day' the fear could have been embodied in Jack the Ripper.
Jack could be any person, and that is his great advantage. His crimes could be blamed and appointed to any group or person the larger part of society dislikes.
This could possibly be an explaination for the suspicion of the royal or governmental system. Lower class whitechapel was apparently not very fond of the big class difference and the deprivated area of the city.
Regardless of which theory one prefers, it always comes down on the fact that people need somebody to point the finger at, and blame for their state of being.
One seldom points the finger at oneself and regularly finds a different factor to blame.
Presentation Handout
So far the aims we have are to show a portion of the wide scope of varying ripper suspects and to question exactly why they were even considered on the ripper case.
Can you bring some some quotes and references tomorrow?
Reaction on the elephant man.
I found a letter from someone that has a different view towards the jews: "The crimes identified with "Jack the Ripper" were of a nature that it would be difficult for any Jew - "low-class" or any class - to imagine the work of a Jew. Their callous brutality was foreign to Jewish nature, which, when it turns criminal, goes into quite a different channel".
This letter considers Jews not to be smart enough to be the suspect in such crimes, completely the opposite of what others said. "It couldn't be a british person as they don't commit such horribe crimes."
If we look again at the question: why does society wants to have a Jack the Ripper? Could it not be, just to have certainty about something. That having a killer is easier than having no killers and leave the murders unsolved. But then we still have the question; Why did we made an icon of him? Why do we have to sell, games, videos, music, toy's of him?
Anyone something to say about this?
Sunday, 6 December 2009
The Elephant Man
The most special one named to have something to do with the Jack the Ripper case was Joseph Merrick better known as: the Elephant Man.
On is an extract from: Jack the Ripper: A suspects guide. In there is a pece on Merrick and why he could be the Ripper.
At the time he was in the hospital, thus being able to get (surgical) knives, he hated women because he couldn’t get laid due to his crooked exterior. And he couldn’t be recognised by passers by because of his hood he had to wear.
Naturally he couldn’t be the ripper, he could hardly walk due to his disfigurement. He was prejudiced, disrespected and bullied and couldn’t get a job because of his physique. The only people who liked him were the circus audience where he could get a job as a freak.
Apparently people like to think of the Ripper as somebody or a group they don’t approve of, like immigrants and jews which flooded the London streets in the 19th century.
The Elephant Man is obviously seen as a monster due to his horrendous appearance and must therefore been disposed of. He didn’t fit in the society and only got saved from a miserable life in the slums of the arena by Sir Frederick Treves whom was very interested in him because of the medical side of the story.
He died on April 11, 1890 in the London Hospital in, and you won't beleive this, IN Whitechap el! This could of course be a case for why the killing stopped after that time. If it wasn't for the fact that it did so two years earlier
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Ol'e Nessie
Although the probability of Nessie being the ripper is quite small, he still pops up in this movie. Does this satirise our ability to turn any person in the ripper? Ripperologists have posed probably hundreds of possible suspects, some have more credibility than others.
But from a realistic point of view could Nessie obviously never have covered the distance between Loch Ness and East End. see for yourself
Whilst I was looking for information on Jill/Jane the Ripper, I found something on an Indian (Native American) princess killing her victims with mind power. More Native Americans are mentioned in “natural born celebrity killers”
Additionally if found that the image of women as the ripper is also seen in 1971 film adaptation of Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde, probably as cynical reaction on the rumours of a female Ripper. It puts a nice twist to the story, when Sister Hyde turns into a killer
We can ask our selves the question: Why did they use a non-English killer?
In natural born celebrity killers the writer gives some reasons, the one who is doing something on this could look into it.
First of all a certain amount of xenophobia is reigning in 19th century East End. A lot of immigrants infiltrate the streets of London. A lot of working class people from eastern Europe. Americans are also among the popular ones; due to their ‘natural’ violent attitude, and their hunger for sensation. natural born celebrity killers online, p. 48 and onwards.
On a forum on I also found a reaction of somebody who claimed that Sooty the gloved hand puppet is blamed for the murders. Apparently in Sugden’s book ‘The complete history of Jack the Ripper’ he puts him forward as the ripper, although I’m not able to find a copy of the book.
The foreigners
In the 19th century a part of poland was governed by Austria. This government made legal regulations for the Jews in Poland. These regulations restricted the amount of occupations Jews were allowed to perform, for example, they were forbidden to be a chemist, or brewer. (that's not all, there is a whole list.) This forced the Jews to move to another country. In 1753 a jewish naturalization act was received in England but was repealed in 1754 due to a lot of oppositions to its provisions. ( Henry Pelham brought in the Jew Bill of 1753 as a reward for the Jews who helped to defend London during the Jacobite rising. This Bill allowed Jews to become naturalized by application to parlement.
A lot of Polish Jews immigrated to London because of the rather pleasant living circumstances in England compared to Poland its circumstances. In 1880 between 80.000 and 100.000 Polish Jews were living in London.
One of the first suspects that was a polish jew was John Pizer, before the name Jack the Ripper was established the police was searching for ‘leather apron’. John Pizer was a suspect because he always wore an apron. The community thought he was a Jew because he had an unusually thick neck, his hair is black and closely clipped. His expression is said to be sinister, his eyes small and glittering, his lips are usually parted in a grin. He was a suspect mostly because of his looks.
The second suspect was the Polish Jew Aaron Kosminski. He is the most popular polish jew suspect. He was known to have a great hatred for women and strong homicidal tendencies. He was admitted to a lunatic asylum. But research has since shown, that Kosminski - a former hairdresser - was a harmless imbecill. He picked up food from the gutters and refused to work. He had once threatened his sister with a knife, but he was neither suicidal or dangerous. And more importantly: he wasn't admitted to an asylum till he almost died! He had always been confused with"David Cohen"or Nathan Kaminsky the third suspect, because their names were so identical.
His name was changed from Kaminsky to David Cohen due to the language diffculty. The police did not want to bother writing his difficult original name. He is the only insane Polish Jew who was committed to an asylum at the right time for the murders to stop - and the only registered lunatic pauper admitted to Colney Hatch asylum between 1888-1890 who fits the extremely violent suspect described. He also - in contrast to Aaron Kosminski - died shortly after the canonical Ripper murders ceased.
So Sam, as you can see, Kosminsky was actually Kaminsky, if you find something that contradicts this, please post it. I find it a very interesting 'discussion'.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Our presentation time is 12.20pm in MC413
We have also got to hand in a piece of paper with atleast four bibliography sources and atleast four quotations aswell as aims for the presentation, I'll print off the template from wolf and bring it to Thursdays meeting.
Are we still posting on here what we are going to say in the presentation or just bring along what we have to Thursdays meeting?
Monday, 30 November 2009
Me Tarzan You Jane
Thanks Sam for the casebook link, it helped me finding useful stuff on my first suspect Jill the Ripper( also known as Jane the Ripper), the common name given to the female version of Jack.
The notion of a female ripper was first put forward in a letter by Reverend Lord Sydney Godolphin Osborne in a letter to the Times. Osborne suggests that the gruesome murders are the result of the turbulent street life of that time and area.
In Odell’s “Ripperology…” is a collage of theories taken form different authors, one he quotes is Steward who suggests that the ripper must have been a midwife. I must note that he is mentioned by a lot of ripperologists as “a personae non grata among ripperologists”. He set up a few criteria and in his research a midwife was the only one who could have been seen near the victims, was known by people in the neighbourhood, and could have wandered the streets covered in blood without being suspicious.
He has an odd attitude towards the cutting up and mutilations of the victims; this wasn’t done by a surgeon or doctor, but just a random slaughter.
A midwife would also have known a sufficient amount of knowledge about the uterus and surrounding organs.
There is however a case for a midwife ripper considering Mary Kelly’s murder. It has been said that she was pregnant at the time of the murders, although later proven wrong. Therefore needing the aid of a midwife, she undressed and neatly folded her clothes away. The midwife slaughtered her and burnt her own bloody clothes, stealing MK’s outfit and sneaked out.
Of course a midwife doing illegal abortions must know a lot of prostitutes in the area; it makes her suspicious enough to be taken in consideration as a real suspect.
Some persons are being named, one of which was Mary Pearcey; an extremely strong women capable of committing violent crimes. She was hanged in 1890.
In another book John Eddleston suggests that Olga Tchkerhoff was Jill. She emigrated from Russia with her parents and sister. The latter went into prostitution and later died after an abortion, apparently Mary Kelly lured her into it so Olga took revenge.
After some research I concluded that an Australian forensic detective recovered some DNA sample at the bottom of the stamp of one if ‘his’ letters. Despite that it’s proven that the letters were a media hoax done by a newspaper journalist and never been regarded as conclusive evidence, the DNA sample has been labelled as useless. They were too small, too old and poorly preserved.
If you might accidentally be interested in more on Jill, here’s the online version of the book I have used. from p.73 onwards.
Friday, 27 November 2009
...and next week.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Ripper Walk Transcript continued... (with added bits)
He was known for hating women, especially prostitutes. Tumblety liked to give small lecture tours where he was also known for saying that the only way to deal with the prostitution was to kill the prostitutes. However, impartial to his strong dislike of women, he had a tendency to carry around female sex organs with him in little jars.
In a testimony given by Colonel Dunham, he stated that he had been invited to Tumblety’s house one night for dinner and continued by voicing the suspicious air unintentionally conjured by their host and the strange tendencies he seemed to house. He proclaimed;
"Someone asked why he had not invited some women to his dinner. His face instantly became as black as a thunder-cloud. He had a pack of cards in his hand, but he laid them down and said, almost savagely, 'No, Colonel, I don’t know any such cattle, and if I did I would, as your friend, sooner give you a dose of quick poison than take you into such danger.' He then broke into a homily on the sin and folly of dissipation, fiercely denounced all women and especially fallen women.
He then invited us into his office where he illustrated his lecture so to speak. One side of this room was entirely occupied with cases, outwardly resembling wardrobes. When the doors were opened quite a museum was revealed -- tiers of shelves with glass jars and cases, some round and others square, filled with all sorts of anatomical specimens. The ‘doctor’ placed on a table a dozen or more jars containing, as he said, the matrices (uteri) of every class of women. Nearly a half of one of these cases was occupied exclusively with these specimens.
Not long after this the ‘doctor’ was in my room when my Lieutenant-Colonel came in and commenced expatiating on the charms of a certain woman. In a moment, almost, the doctor was lecturing him and denouncing women. When he was asked why he hated women, he said that when quite a young man he fell desperately in love with a pretty girl, rather his senior, who promised to reciprocate his affection. After a brief courtship he married her. The honeymoon was not over when he noticed a disposition on the part of his wife to flirt with other men. He remonstrated, she kissed him, called him a dear jealous fool -- and he believed her. Happening one day to pass in a cab through the worst part of the town he saw his wife and a man enter a gloomy-looking house. Then he learned that before her marriage his wife had been an inmate of that and many similar houses. Then he gave up all womankind." Excerpt taken from
Tumblety was brought in for questioning on Mary Kelly but somehow escaped and fled to France. The police followed him to France but by the time they found out where he was living in Bordeaux, he had gone to upstate New York. He was living in Rochester for nearly six months before he disappeared again. During he’s brief stay in New York, 3 prostitutes were murdered with knives. They were murdered in not exactly the same fashion but in a similar enough way to link them to the previous London murders.Tumblety disappeared for almost 19 years before reappearing in the southern state of Macuri as a very wealthy man. People often speculate what they believe he was up to in all his years of public absence, but no one really knows for sure.
Transcripts and Bits
The excerpts have been added from Casebook.
Casebook's extremley handy for general info and source info concerning Ripper suspects. Sooo if you haven't been on there then deffinatly check it out at
I've decided to breifly mention the popular suspects with reference to the police profiles in the presentation intro. But i don't think i'll have enough time to go into them in futher detail, so if anybody else is thinking of disscussing any of the suspect i've mentioned, just let me know so we can split it evenly to make sure we don't say the same thing twice and conflicting info.
Also, does anyone know what the time slot is for the presentation? I've looked on Wolf but i can't seem to find our group anywhere!!
Here's the rest of the transcript anyway, enjoy! X
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Ripper Walk Transcripts Continued...
Kosminski is still police favourite even today because he fits the physiological profile the best; in being a butcher posing as a surgeon he fits the Alter-Ego description. He also suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and knew three out of five of the victims. He also had experience with using knives through his days working as a London butcher and a general knowledge of the female anatomy from posing as a back alley abortion surgeon.However, Kosminski does not fit the physical profiling according to the general consensus of witness accounts describing the man seen hanging around on the nights of the murders. Physical Profile.
· Dark hair
· Sallow skin
· Tall
· Middle to upper class Manner and style of dress
· Large moustache
If the Physical profiling is correct, then it is perhaps more fitting to look at suspect Montague Druitt. Montague Druitt had a respectable job working as a school teacher at an acclaimed and expensive boy’s school in London. He was one of the police’s favourite suspects in 1888 and only caused suspicion to arise in the wake of coincidental suicide just after Mary Kelly’s death. After the police pulled Druitt’s body from the Thames, Detectives began to investigate his lodgings and found heavily bloodstained clothes. They also found letters written by Druitt stating that he was ‘going the same way as mother...’ Montague had a history of mental illness running in his family and mother happened was housed in a mental asylum at the time. When Druitt first moved to the east end he at first began to live over his cousin’s (Dr Lionel Druitt’s) surgery.
Ripper Transcripts!
Sam. X
Thursday, 19 November 2009
enough of that,
I booked a room for us on Monday November 23rd from 3-5 in MD 129.
It would be great if you could show up at 3 otherwise 4 is fine :)
By the way I got some nice suspect info from: jack the ripper; a reference guide and 'uncovering jack the ripper'.
If anybody fancies to find some more, there are quite some good book on it in the forst floor of the library at 364.152 3 ... might you feel obliged to find ou some more.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Topic: Suspects over the ages
Thursday, 5 November 2009
First, which topic!?? Take a look at the topics on wolf and add your preferences on this blog!